毫無疑問,《The Hunger Games (飢餓游戲)》三部曲是至今為止,個人最愛的美國青少年冒險科幻小說改編系列電影。由第一集的《The Hunger Games》到去年的《Mockingjay, Part 1》,幾乎每一年、每一場都會準時赴會買票入場。作為系列電影的最終章,《Mockingjay, Part 2》當然是今年必定捧場的電影之一。
在整段故事之中,殘忍的“飢餓遊戲”只不過是革命前的幌子。經過了前幾集的冗繁交待以後,這一集總算是來到了尾聲。《Mockingjay, Part 2》再次承接上集被迫中斷而未完的故事,終結篇累積了所有三部曲的愛恨情仇,掀起了故事的最高潮。流暢的節奏、緊湊的情節、刺激的戰爭場面、細膩的內心戲等等優越條件,使得整個劇情高潮迭起,十分精彩。當革命軍接一連二地壯烈犧牲時,劇情不煽情卻足以扣動人心。
由古至今,從西方到東方,人類一直出現女死革命思想家。Saint Joan、Emmeline Pankhurst、Clara Zetkin、米哈伊洛芙娜·柯倫泰、宋慶齡、秋瑾、Rosa Parks、昂山素姬⋯⋯她們的貢獻都對後世產生重要的影響,成為女性的典範。即使Katniss Everdeen總會在關鍵一刻被擊中昏倒,卻無損作者為她在文字世界或電影世界中,所塑造的一個不完美卻人性化的女性英雄形象。她引領人民擊垮政府,激起了人民對自由社會的渴望。Mockingjay是代表革命精神的符號,也是現代女性主義抬頭的象徵。
It was my arrow, aimed at the chink in the force field surrounding the arena, that brought on this firestorm of retribution. That sent the whole country of Panem into chaos.
秘魯政治家Manuel González Prada曾説過:“Everywhere revolutions are painful yet fruitful gestations of a people: they shed blood but create light, they eliminate men but elaborate ideas”。戰爭很可怕,但更可怕的是畏懼改變或拒絕改變的思想。革命從來都不是一件容易的事,而是一段既漫長又艱辛的旅程,甚至需要付出慘重的代價。然而,重重的難關不是放棄的藉口,革命的烈火不應該如此就被輕易澆熄!“不參加變革社會的鬥爭,理想永遠是一種幻影”。堅持到最后就是勝利,曾被犧牲掉的一切就會變得有意義!
It was my arrow, aimed at the chink in the force field surrounding the arena, that brought on this firestorm of retribution. That sent the whole country of Panem into chaos.
秘魯政治家Manuel González Prada曾説過:“Everywhere revolutions are painful yet fruitful gestations of a people: they shed blood but create light, they eliminate men but elaborate ideas”。戰爭很可怕,但更可怕的是畏懼改變或拒絕改變的思想。革命從來都不是一件容易的事,而是一段既漫長又艱辛的旅程,甚至需要付出慘重的代價。然而,重重的難關不是放棄的藉口,革命的烈火不應該如此就被輕易澆熄!“不參加變革社會的鬥爭,理想永遠是一種幻影”。堅持到最后就是勝利,曾被犧牲掉的一切就會變得有意義!
One of the great liabilities of history is that all too many people fail to remain awake through great periods of social change. Every society has its protectors of status quo and its fraternities of the indifferent who are notorious for sleeping through revolutions. Today, our very survival depends on our ability to stay awake, to adjust to new ideas, to remain vigilant and to face the challenge of change. ~Martin Luther King Jr.
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